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Noble Muscadine containerized clone vine start

Regular price $9.99

4x4x4 container contains 1 vine ready to plant


'Noble' was released in 1973 by W. Nesbitt, D. Carroll, and V. Underwood of the North Carolina Agricultural Exp. Station. 'Noble' was selected from the cross 'Thomas' x 'Tarheel' for its potential as a high yielding wine and juice grape.


If you are planting a black juice muscadine, you are likely going to plant 'Noble'. There are few weaknesses with this cultivar, it is productive, disease resistant, and produces a good quality juice. Another main benefit to 'Noble' as a juice grape is the fact that its purple pigments are more stable than most muscadines which tend to brown over time. 'Noble' is the leading red wine cultivar and should be your first choice for this use.